Title: A Thin Line Between a Friend and a Foe
Author: Siphumelele Kati
ISBN: 978-0-620-94215-7
Size: 130mm (w) x 190mm (h), 82 pages
Making friends may be as easy as a blink of an eye. In most cases, not much thought is given to it, as it just happens randomly. Many have been called friends, but the question is, ‘what is it that qualifies them to be friends?’ As dynamic as a human mind is, can they really live up to the definition of the term ‘friend’? How long does it take for someone to become a friend? Can years of friendship guarantee a betrayal-free relationship?
In this story, a man is forced to flee with his family to ensure their safety when he stumbles on something that does not concern him. The threat follows him to his new hideout, which then leads to the reveal of vile secrets kept from him over the years. He loses himself in the process and ends up committing despicable acts in the name of justice.
Whether a friend in need is a friend in deed, is yet to be seen. Ways in which one can choose a friend are yet to be discovered. As for now, the one you consider your closest friend, may be your closest enemy, just waiting for the perfect time to strike.
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