Title: Book of Life
Author: Innocent B Nzima
Size: 210mm x 148mm, 293 pages
ISBN: 978-0-620-75375-3 (print); 978-0-620-75376-0 (ebook)
BOOK OF LIFE – good way of living a good life
BOOK OF LIFE was designed and created differently from all other books around the world. Best of all is that, this book will change people’s lives in general. A home without a book of life is not a good home because that home is missing African stories/information.
The BOOK OF LIFE is a collection of African stories
From ages 12 years and above can buy and read this book. The following chapters’ children should read under parental guidance, (3), (15), (28) and (30). It does not matter if all buyers have already bought and read all kinds of other books like, poetry, biography, fiction, non-fiction, religion, inspiration and juvenile books. Books written by all types of authors worldwide, but you still need to buy and read BOOK OF LIFE.
Innocent B Nzima, gratefully acknowledges and wish to thank the following for their assistance, Winfrey Lungu, Steven Dutoit, Soloman Nzima, Christopher Chirwa in Malawi and Zinhle Zuma, for helping to type the manuscript into digital form.
Innocent Bongani Nzima is the only author of this book of life volume (1) that has 37 chapters. Thank you all for your support, and see you again in the book of life volume (2), titled, “a man sitting on a stone under the tree”.
Writing a book is a fulltime job and talent, and it costs a lot of money in order to finish the project. Lack of financial problems, we could not afford to hire best book editors to do the best work
If you are looking for a copy of this book, you can contact the author by clicking HERE, or order the ebook from Amazon:
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