Title: Changing the Mindset of our Societies
Author: Bishop Dr TT Madlala KaJamile
Size: 210mm x 148mm 138 pages
ISBN: 978-0-620-88312-2
This is my offering to the brains of our people, in these trying and changing times. Read and feed your thoughts and be ready for new challenges. God bless our world. Amen.
About the Author: Bishop Dr Thembinkosi Thomas Madlala kaJamile, a former lecturer in the now defunct College of Education, eShowe. A Maths and science teacher, a theologian, a Preacher and Senior Pastor of The Bread of Life Ministries International. The Founder of Christian Churches Fellowship (CCF), an organization that serves to unite all Christian churches. Dr Jamile is also the director of Pastor Madlala Revivals (PMR) Learning Centre, which forms the base for Hands of Grace College (commencing from Grade 4-12). Hands of Grace College aims at providing a syllabus that will produce marketable graduates in skills, marketing and business management. This school will focus on agriculture, carpentry and technology from early stages. Let us look deep into the future!
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