Title: Maqoma’s Last War
Author: Nicholas Dekker
Publishers: Amava Heritage Publishing – www.amavaheritage.co.za
Size: 228mm x 152mm, 409 pages
ISBN: 978-0-620-71190-6 (print);
Nic Dekker, a young Hermanus frogman, dived to a rock near Danger Point last month and found what he believes to be the wreck of the Birkenhead, the troop ship that sank theein 1852. He saw an anchor, and brought up a piece of copper rail and a steel platefrom the wreck, which looked like a ‘coral-encrusted scrapyard’.
He hopes to dive again soon to search for gold and coinage rumoured to be worth more than £ 1,000,000 which the ship was supposed to be carrying.
So opens a new chapter in the story of a wreck which for more than 100 years has caught the world’s imagination – The Cape Argus – Saturday, August 2, 1958.
If you are looking for a copy of this book, you can contact the author and order from the links below:
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