Title: Saving South Africa
Author: Jack W Walsh
Size: 210mm x 148mm 284 pages
Who is Jack Walsh? He was a successful Recreational angler, and a more successful Commercial fisherman, with a love of Marine and Fishery sciences as his hobby. Now he appears to want to re-invent himself, as a political cognoscenti! Is he for real?
Well, if you ask him, he will tell you he likes helping people, and believes in diversity and plurality of society, in which politics is a major and unavoidable factor. In addition, he loves his country, is very patriotic, and cannot accept how far it has fallen. Will this book do anything to alter its continuing destruction? Probably not, but he says one must try!
Jack Wreford Walsh was born in November 1937. His parents aptly named him Jack, which must have been short for “Jack of all trades.” If only they had known! He was schooled at Western Province Preparatory School, Cape Town, and St Andrew’s College, Grahamstown
Fifty-two years later, he has an Associate Diploma of the Chartered Insurance Institute, a management diploma, a fishing master’s ticket, a pilot’s licence, a flirtation with politics, and a rocky personal history. During that time, he formed some thirty or so companies, including two that went public, in some fifteen or so different industries and vocations, with, finally yet importantly, four wonderful and successful children. Then he partially retired to write! May be?
His overriding personal belief is in “integrity with excellence.” However his great disappointment is the first hand knowledge of the cliché “power corrupts” in business, and even more so in politics in South Africa. He has in fact been told by one of SA’s best known sons, entrepreneur and philanthropist, that to further business the “end” always justifies “the means” irrespective! Then politically, where you are meant to serve your people, the principle that the greater the power, the greater the corruption is clearly evidenced today for all to see in our sorry land!
He loves the English language and aspires to be an amateur “wordsmith.” Although he has written and has had published many articles for magazines, he has only written two non-fiction books, which can be found on his site. One of his remaining ambitions is to write a novel with the background of his experiences. Although started, his efforts keep getting interrupted by our alarming political situation on which he regularly comments.
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