Title: Spouse Abuse that Leads to Family Murder by Fathers
Author: Dr Esau Willemse
Size: 210mm x 148mm, 118 pages
ISBN: 978-0-620-75967-0 (print)
“Do newspaper headlines such as: “Father wipes out his whole family” still shock you? If it does, then this book is meant to be read by you. Dr Willemse takes you on a journey to understand why this unnatural phenomenon of spouse abuse (including murder) happen, how to identify it and what is the role of the church and society to mitigate this brutal onslaught.”
Dr. G. Allen Grootboom – Psychologist
We live in a violent and fearful society. One has only to turn on a television set or go to a movie to get the impression that as consumers we demand more and more of a “thrill” that violence often seems to supply. For many years the home was a place of safety, refuge, and security. The home was a place to which family members could escape from the day to day trials, pain, trauma and difficulties of life. However, this safe haven has drastically changed over the years. Home in our post-modern era has in many instances become a place of hostility, fear, anger, abuse and in the end death.
The question though, what’s happening to the moral compass of our society? Why is there a rising and ever increasing amount of violence and other ills throughout our nation today? Why must a father who is the pillar and protector of his family, wipe out his entire family? What has gone wrong with the soul of the human race? May this book not only open your eyes, but make you a champion in the fight against the brutal onslaught of this unnatural phenomenon.
If you are looking for a copy of this book, you can contact the author and order from the links below:
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