Title: Thakga Nthute Melodi ke rete Maaparankwe
Auhors: Audrey Seloga, Tšhegofatso Seloga, Phodisho Seloga & Mogau Mndawe
ISBN: 978-0-620-91089-7
Size: 148mm x 210mm, 68 pages
Compiled by: Seulaula SA Publishing and Production
Funded by: National Arts Council of South Africa (NAC)
Seloga Ramathetje Audrey, ke ngwana wa bohlano ka lapeng lesu, re ba tshelelago ka palo. Ke shegofaditšwe ka bana ba bararo, seapara ntepa se tee, le badula kgorong ba ba bedi.
Ke tsene sekolo Motsepe primary School, ka fetela pele Potlake Secondary School, ka dira marematlou Phuthitlou Secondary School, ka fetela pele Sekhukhune College of education, ka feteletša ka goyo go ngwala le University of Pretoria (Ke dira special needs)
Ke thomile go ruta ka ngwaga wa 1990 sekolong sa Madikolose Malepe Secondary School. Ka tloga kaya Morwaswi Secondary School, ka thoma go ruta sepedi go tloga ka mphatho wa 10 go fihla ka wabo 12.
Ka mela lerato le legolo la dipukwana. Ka thoma le goya boswaelong bja matlakala a matric go tloga ka 1994 go fihla ka 2014, ka thoma goba le tumo ya go ngwala. Ka 2018 ka tlogela mosomo ka napa ka thoma go ngwala dipuku. Puku yaka ya mathomo Ke ‘Thakga nthute molodi ke rete maaparankwe’, ya bo bedi ke ‘leroronyane la bo rakgolo’. Ka 2019 November le December ka swaya dibukana tša bangwadi ba Limpopo, ka palo e be ele 104.
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