Title: The Thaumaturge:The calling (Book 1)
Author: Peter Coates
Size: 210mm x 148mm, 284 pages
ISBN: 978-0-620-61962-2 (print)
ISBN: 978-0-620-61963-9 (ebook)
“To reach the future you must conquer the past”
For 200 years these words of the Oracle have echoed in the mind of Lord Gluan, the Thaumaturge, just as they have troubled the mind of every Thaumaturge before him.
Ever since his calling Gluan has fought against tyranny and anarchy and has been the champion of the downtrodden and oppressed and he has done this with far greater passion and dedication than any of his predecessors.
Under the guidance of the Thaumaturges the human race has slowly been recovering from the near complete annihilation of 2000 years ago but the vast knowledge and great achievements of the past are locked up in the Ancient Books, only accessible to a very select few.
Now the Oracle has allowed Gluan a glimpse of the future and once again devastation and destruction will fall on the human race. The only chance for any survival will rest on the young shoulders of the next Thaumaturge.
Through war, betrayal and intrigue the new Thaumaturge is revealed, one who understands the words of the Oracle.
This is the first book in the Thaumaturge trilogy.
Book 2. History and Destiny
Book 3. Starting Over
If you are looking for a copy of this book, you can buy a print copy, an ebook or a bulk order from the links below:
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